Online Counseling & Therapy
(320) 200-4190

Virtual Anxiety Therapy | Northpoint Counseling

Teaching You How To Navigate Your Depression

it’s not your fault & You're Not Alone

Although recent estimates suggest that nearly 17% of adults ages 18-25 in the United States have dealt with a depressive episode in the past year, it can still feel like a really isolating experience

Perhaps you’ve tried to just “think positively,” but you’re left feeling even more discouraged and depleted. If this sounds like you, it’s not your fault, and you’re not alone. In fact, our brain is “hard-wired” in such a way that it inevitably creates suffering from time to time by causing us to ruminate on past events, compare ourselves negatively to others, or feel generally dissatisfied with our current situation. This can lead to feeling worthless, hopeless, and unmotivated to pursue the things we value and used to enjoy.

therapy at Northpoint counseling in Minnesota

You don't have to go through this alone

While feeling sad or down from time to time is completely normal, when it becomes so severe and persistent that it begins to negatively impact your life, that’s a sign that you might need some additional support from a trained mental health professional. If you or a loved one are experiencing:

  • Feeling unusually sad or down, or sometimes just “empty”
  • Having difficulty finding pleasure in the things that you used to enjoy
  • Sleeping more than usual, but still having little energy
  • Changes in appetite (either eating more or less than usual)
  • Difficulty concentrating, like your brain feels “foggy”
  • Irritability
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
NorthPoint Counseling is here to offer support. 

it is possible to “re-wire” your brain, and NorthPoint Counseling can help

Together, we will explore how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors contribute to anxiety and DEPRESSION, and learn evidenced-based strategies for managing anxiety more effectively so that you can invest that time and energy instead into pursuing the things you value. 


When you click Book a Free Consultation, you’ll be scheduled for a free 20-minute phone consultation. This will be an opportunity for us to begin getting to know one another and to decide whether working together might be a good fit. I’ll be interested to hear a little bit about what brings you to therapy and what you’re looking for. We’ll also address any additional questions you have about the process.

If you decide to move forward, the next step will be to schedule your 90-minute intake session. This session will primarily be spent completing an assessment that will help me to get to know you better, including what brings you to therapy, your history, and any other factors that might be contributing to the issue of concern. We’ll also discuss your goals for treatment and work together to create a “treatment plan” or outline for how we’ll work together to achieve those goals.

After the initial 90-minute session, we’ll decide together how often you’d like to meet and how long you’d like each session to last. Typically, we’ll meet weekly for up to 50-minutes as we’re getting to know one another, but that’s open to change as we build rapport and begin making progress towards your goals.

If, at any point in this process, we decide that working together will not be a good fit, I’ll help you to find another resource or provider that might be a better fit for your needs.

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Great question! I’d like to be able to give you a straightforward answer, but it’s difficult to say for sure. That’s because every person and situation is so unique- while some people might only need 8-12 sessions, others might spend a year or more in therapy. It also depends on the style of therapy you’re looking for, whether that’s highly structured and goal-oriented or more exploratory and insight based.

What I can tell you is that we’ll discuss this further within the first session or two after I’ve had a chance to get to know you better. Typically, we’ll start with 12 sessions and reassess together from there. That being said, therapy typically “ends” when you feel that you’ve met your goals or gotten to the place that you came here for.

A “typical” session will vary slightly from individual to individual and largely depends on your goals and expectations for treatment. We’ll most often begin by checking in on how you’ve been feeling and coping between sessions, as well as reviewing any “homework” that may have been assigned in the previous session.

Then we’ll set an “agenda” for our session that day. As much as possible, I prefer to let clients take the lead on what they want to talk about or work on in a given session. Generally speaking, you’ll be asked to reflect, express your feelings, consider alternatives, and get comfortable with the uncomfortable! While this might feel new and intimidating at first, I’ll be there to support you along the way.

Online therapy looks much the same as in-person therapy, aside from the fact that we won’t be sharing a physical space. You can think of it kind of like meeting with your therapist over Facetime or Zoom, except that I’ll be using a HIPAA-compliant software that is secure and abides by health information and patient privacy laws.  

In fact, the most recent studies to date suggest that online therapy is just as effective as in-person therapy, with several added benefits. For those who live in remote locations or have transportation concerns, online therapy helps to remove those barriers and promote access to care (not to mention the time saved commuting to and from your session or the freedom to join the session from the comfort of your own home). 

That being said, online therapy is not a fit for every person and situation. We’ll discuss this further during your initial phone consultation to ensure that online therapy will be the right fit for you. If for whatever reason, it’s not, I’ll provide you with alternative resources for in-person therapy to better suit your needs. 

When you schedule an appointment with me, that time is set aside just for you. With this in mind, I request at least 24 hours notice in advance of a cancellation. You may call 320-200-4190 to cancel your appointment, or send an e-mail to

Missed appointments (i.e. “no-shows”) or appointments canceled with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at 50% of the full session fee. I allow a 15-minute “grace period” for late arrivals, after which point the session will be counted as a “no-show” and will need to be rescheduled.  Since every session is allotted a specific time, I am unable to extend that time for late arrivals. Please be advised that late arrivals will end at the scheduled time, and will be billed the full 50-minute session fee.

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